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Cardivac AT

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Daptide M 500

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Daptide M 1000

Coming soon

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Diaretin M 500

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The all new molecules in African Market with class Manufacturing

Along with belief in science, we also believe on naturally occurring substances that helps life and has all the built in benefits. Its also possible that there is cure for everything in nature! We just have to keep looking.

Herbal Products

01.  CharcoPro Tablets

03.  Unaffu Pain Balm

02.  Herboxil Lozenges

Item One

Item Two

Item Three

Generic Drugs

Local Trust

Not just another foreign company for locals using imported products. We very much care about market we target, do thorough research, make beautiful and honest connections and localize the brand according to the country it is in.


Customers trust us. We have a duty towards them. They are part of our company's growth. 

Item One

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Item Two

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Item Three

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The all new molecules in African Market with class Manufacturing

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